
XkbGetVirtualMods manpage

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XkbGetVirtualMods(3)		 XKB FUNCTIONS		  XkbGetVirtualMods(3)

       XkbGetVirtualMods  -  Obtain  a subset of the virtual modifier bindings
       (the vmods array) in a keyboard description

       Status XkbGetVirtualMods (Display *dpy, unsigned int which,  XkbDescPtr

       - dpy  connection to server

       - which
	      mask indicating virtual modifier bindings to get

       - xkb  Xkb description where results will be placed

       XkbGetVirtualMods  sends	 a  request  to the server to obtain the vmods
       entries for the virtual modifiers specified in  the  mask,  which,  and
       waits for a reply.

       Virtual	modifiers  are	named  by converting their string name to an X
       Atom and storing the Atom in the names.vmods  array  in	an  XkbDescRec
       structure. The position of a name Atom in the names.vmods array defines
       the bit position used to represent the virtual modifier	and  also  the
       index  used  when accessing virtual modifier information in arrays: the
       name in the i-th (0 relative) entry of names.vmods is the i-th  virtual
       modifier, represented by the mask (1<<i). Throughout Xkb, various func-
       tions have a parameter that is a	 mask  representing  virtual  modifier
       choices. In each case, the i-th bit (0 relative) of the mask represents
       the i-th virtual modifier.

       To set the name of a virtual modifier, use XkbSetNames,	using  XkbVir-
       tualModNamesMask in which and the name in the xkb argument; to retrieve
       indicator names, use XkbGetNames.

       For each bit set in which, XkbGetVirtualMods updates the	 corresponding
       virtual modifier definition in the server->vmods array of xkb.  The xkb
       parameter must be a pointer to a valid  Xkb  keyboard  description.  If
       successful, XkbGetVirtualMods returns Success.

       Virtual Modifier Names and Masks

       Virtual	modifiers  are	named  by converting their string name to an X
       Atom and storing the Atom in the names.vmods  array  in	an  XkbDescRec
       structure. The position of a name Atom in the names.vmods array defines
       the bit position used to represent the virtual modifier	and  also  the
       index  used  when accessing virtual modifier information in arrays: the
       name in the i-th (0 relative) entry of names.vmods is the i-th  virtual
       modifier, represented by the mask (1<<i). Throughout Xkb, various func-
       tions have a parameter that is a	 mask  representing  virtual  modifier
       choices. In each case, the i-th bit (0 relative) of the mask represents
       the i-th virtual modifier.

       To set the name of a virtual modifier, use XkbSetNames,	using  XkbVir-
       tualModNamesMask in which and the name in the xkb argument; to retrieve
       indicator names, use XkbGetNames.

       If the server  map  has	not  been  allocated  in  the  xkb  parameter,
       XkbGetVirtualMods  allocates  and  initializes  it before obtaining the
       virtual modifier bindings.

       If the server does not have a compatible version of  Xkb,  or  the  Xkb
       extension  has not been properly initialized, XkbGetVirtualMods returns
       BadMatch. Any errors in allocation cause	 XkbGetVirtualMods  to	return

       Success	      The  XkbGetVirtualMods  function returns Success when it
		      successfully updates the corresponding virtual  modifier
		      definition in the server->vmods array of xkb.

       The  complete description of an Xkb keyboard is given by an XkbDescRec.
       The component structures in the XkbDescRec represent the major Xkb com-

       typedef struct {
	  struct _XDisplay * display;	   /* connection to X server */
	  unsigned short     flags;	   /* private to Xkb, do not modify */
	  unsigned short     device_spec;  /* device of interest */
	  KeyCode	     min_key_code; /* minimum keycode for device */
	  KeyCode	     max_key_code; /* maximum keycode for device */
	  XkbControlsPtr     ctrls;	   /* controls */
	  XkbServerMapPtr    server;	   /* server keymap */
	  XkbClientMapPtr    map;	   /* client keymap */
	  XkbIndicatorPtr    indicators;   /* indicator map */
	  XkbNamesPtr	     names;	   /* names for all components */
	  XkbCompatMapPtr    compat;	   /* compatibility map */
	  XkbGeometryPtr     geom;	   /* physical geometry of keyboard */
       } XkbDescRec, *XkbDescPtr;

       The  display field points to an X display structure. The flags field is
       private	to  the	 library:  modifying  flags  may  yield	 unpredictable
       results.	 The  device_spec field specifies the device identifier of the
       keyboard input device, or XkbUseCoreKeyboard, which specifies the  core
       keyboard	 device.  The min_key_code and max_key_code fields specify the
       least and greatest keycode that can be returned by the keyboard.

       Each structure component has a corresponding mask bit that is  used  in
       function	 calls to indicate that the structure should be manipulated in
       some manner, such as allocating it or freeing it. These masks and their
       relationships to the fields in the XkbDescRec are shown in Table 1.

	       Table 1 Mask Bits for XkbDescRec
       Mask Bit		      XkbDescRec Field	 Value
       XkbControlsMask	      ctrls		 (1L<<0)
       XkbServerMapMask	      server		 (1L<<1)
       XkbIClientMapMask      map		 (1L<<2)
       XkbIndicatorMapMask    indicators	 (1L<<3)
       XkbNamesMask	      names		 (1L<<4)
       XkbCompatMapMask	      compat		 (1L<<5)
       XkbGeometryMask	      geom		 (1L<<6)
       XkbAllComponentsMask   All Fields	 (0x7f)

       BadAlloc	      Unable to allocate storage

       BadMatch	      A	 compatible  version  of  Xkb was not available in the
		      server or an argument has correct type and range, but is
		      otherwise invalid

       XkbGetNames(3), XkbSetNames(3)

X Version 11			 libX11 1.6.0		  XkbGetVirtualMods(3)