
git-annotate manpage

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GIT-ANNOTATE(1)			  Git Manual		       GIT-ANNOTATE(1)

       git-annotate - Annotate file lines with commit information

       git annotate [<options>] <file> [<revision>]

       Annotates each line in the given file with information from the commit
       which introduced the line. Optionally annotates from a given revision.

       The only difference between this command and git-blame(1) is that they
       use slightly different output formats, and this command exists only for
       backward compatibility to support existing scripts, and provide a more
       familiar command name for people coming from other SCM systems.

	   Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits. This can also be controlled
	   via the blame.blankBoundary config option.

	   Do not treat root commits as boundaries. This can also be
	   controlled via the blame.showRoot config option.

	   Include additional statistics at the end of blame output.

       -L <start>,<end>, -L :<funcname>
	   Annotate only the line range given by <start>,<end>, or by the
	   function name regex <funcname>. May be specified multiple times.
	   Overlapping ranges are allowed.

	   <start> and <end> are optional.  -L <start> or -L <start>, spans
	   from <start> to end of file.	 -L ,<end> spans from start of file to

	   <start> and <end> can take one of these forms:

	   o   number

	       If <start> or <end> is a number, it specifies an absolute line
	       number (lines count from 1).

	   o   /regex/

	       This form will use the first line matching the given POSIX
	       regex. If <start> is a regex, it will search from the end of
	       the previous -L range, if any, otherwise from the start of
	       file. If <start> is ^/regex/, it will search from the start of
	       file. If <end> is a regex, it will search starting at the line
	       given by <start>.

	   o   +offset or -offset

	       This is only valid for <end> and will specify a number of lines
	       before or after the line given by <start>.

	   If :<funcname> is given in place of <start> and <end>, it is a
	   regular expression that denotes the range from the first funcname
	   line that matches <funcname>, up to the next funcname line.
	   :<funcname> searches from the end of the previous -L range, if any,
	   otherwise from the start of file.  ^:<funcname> searches from the
	   start of file. The function names are determined in the same way as
	   git diff works out patch hunk headers (see Defining a custom
	   hunk-header in gitattributes(5)).

	   Show long rev (Default: off).

	   Show raw timestamp (Default: off).

       -S <revs-file>
	   Use revisions from revs-file instead of calling git-rev-list(1).

       --reverse <rev>..<rev>
	   Walk history forward instead of backward. Instead of showing the
	   revision in which a line appeared, this shows the last revision in
	   which a line has existed. This requires a range of revision like
	   START..END where the path to blame exists in START.	git blame
	   --reverse START is taken as git blame --reverse START..HEAD for

	   Follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit.
	   This option can be used to determine when a line was introduced to
	   a particular integration branch, rather than when it was introduced
	   to the history overall.

       -p, --porcelain
	   Show in a format designed for machine consumption.

	   Show the porcelain format, but output commit information for each
	   line, not just the first time a commit is referenced. Implies

	   Show the result incrementally in a format designed for machine

	   Specifies the encoding used to output author names and commit
	   summaries. Setting it to none makes blame output unconverted data.
	   For more information see the discussion about encoding in the git-
	   log(1) manual page.

       --contents <file>
	   When <rev> is not specified, the command annotates the changes
	   starting backwards from the working tree copy. This flag makes the
	   command pretend as if the working tree copy has the contents of the
	   named file (specify - to make the command read from the standard

       --date <format>
	   Specifies the format used to output dates. If --date is not
	   provided, the value of the blame.date config variable is used. If
	   the blame.date config variable is also not set, the iso format is
	   used. For supported values, see the discussion of the --date option
	   at git-log(1).

	   Progress status is reported on the standard error stream by default
	   when it is attached to a terminal. This flag enables progress
	   reporting even if not attached to a terminal. Can't use --progress
	   together with --porcelain or --incremental.

	   Detect moved or copied lines within a file. When a commit moves or
	   copies a block of lines (e.g. the original file has A and then B,
	   and the commit changes it to B and then A), the traditional blame
	   algorithm notices only half of the movement and typically blames
	   the lines that were moved up (i.e. B) to the parent and assigns
	   blame to the lines that were moved down (i.e. A) to the child
	   commit. With this option, both groups of lines are blamed on the
	   parent by running extra passes of inspection.

	   <num> is optional but it is the lower bound on the number of
	   alphanumeric characters that Git must detect as moving/copying
	   within a file for it to associate those lines with the parent
	   commit. The default value is 20.

	   In addition to -M, detect lines moved or copied from other files
	   that were modified in the same commit. This is useful when you
	   reorganize your program and move code around across files. When
	   this option is given twice, the command additionally looks for
	   copies from other files in the commit that creates the file. When
	   this option is given three times, the command additionally looks
	   for copies from other files in any commit.

	   <num> is optional but it is the lower bound on the number of
	   alphanumeric characters that Git must detect as moving/copying
	   between files for it to associate those lines with the parent
	   commit. And the default value is 40. If there are more than one -C
	   options given, the <num> argument of the last -C will take effect.

       --ignore-rev <rev>
	   Ignore changes made by the revision when assigning blame, as if the
	   change never happened. Lines that were changed or added by an
	   ignored commit will be blamed on the previous commit that changed
	   that line or nearby lines. This option may be specified multiple
	   times to ignore more than one revision. If the
	   blame.markIgnoredLines config option is set, then lines that were
	   changed by an ignored commit and attributed to another commit will
	   be marked with a ?  in the blame output. If the
	   blame.markUnblamableLines config option is set, then those lines
	   touched by an ignored commit that we could not attribute to another
	   revision are marked with a *.

       --ignore-revs-file <file>
	   Ignore revisions listed in file, which must be in the same format
	   as an fsck.skipList. This option may be repeated, and these files
	   will be processed after any files specified with the
	   blame.ignoreRevsFile config option. An empty file name, "", will
	   clear the list of revs from previously processed files.

	   Color line annotations in the default format differently if they
	   come from the same commit as the preceding line. This makes it
	   easier to distinguish code blocks introduced by different commits.
	   The color defaults to cyan and can be adjusted using the
	   color.blame.repeatedLines config option.

	   Color line annotations depending on the age of the line in the
	   default format. The color.blame.highlightRecent config option
	   controls what color is used for each range of age.

	   Show help message.


       Part of the git(1) suite

Git 2.38.4			  05/16/2024		       GIT-ANNOTATE(1)