
git-check-ignore manpage

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       git-check-ignore - Debug gitignore / exclude files

       git check-ignore [<options>] <pathname>...
       git check-ignore [<options>] --stdin

       For each pathname given via the command-line or from a file via
       --stdin, check whether the file is excluded by .gitignore (or other
       input files to the exclude mechanism) and output the path if it is

       By default, tracked files are not shown at all since they are not
       subject to exclude rules; but see `--no-index'.

       -q, --quiet
	   Don't output anything, just set exit status. This is only valid
	   with a single pathname.

       -v, --verbose
	   Instead of printing the paths that are excluded, for each path that
	   matches an exclude pattern, print the exclude pattern together with
	   the path. (Matching an exclude pattern usually means the path is
	   excluded, but if the pattern begins with "!" then it is a negated
	   pattern and matching it means the path is NOT excluded.)

	   For precedence rules within and between exclude sources, see

	   Read pathnames from the standard input, one per line, instead of
	   from the command-line.

	   The output format is modified to be machine-parsable (see below).
	   If --stdin is also given, input paths are separated with a NUL
	   character instead of a linefeed character.

       -n, --non-matching
	   Show given paths which don't match any pattern. This only makes
	   sense when --verbose is enabled, otherwise it would not be possible
	   to distinguish between paths which match a pattern and those which

	   Don't look in the index when undertaking the checks. This can be
	   used to debug why a path became tracked by e.g.  git add .  and was
	   not ignored by the rules as expected by the user or when developing
	   patterns including negation to match a path previously added with
	   git add -f.

       By default, any of the given pathnames which match an ignore pattern
       will be output, one per line. If no pattern matches a given path,
       nothing will be output for that path; this means that path will not be

       If --verbose is specified, the output is a series of lines of the form:

       <source> <COLON> <linenum> <COLON> <pattern> <HT> <pathname>

       <pathname> is the path of a file being queried, <pattern> is the
       matching pattern, <source> is the pattern's source file, and <linenum>
       is the line number of the pattern within that source. If the pattern
       contained a "!" prefix or "/" suffix, it will be preserved in the
       output. <source> will be an absolute path when referring to the file
       configured by core.excludesFile, or relative to the repository root
       when referring to .git/info/exclude or a per-directory exclude file.

       If -z is specified, the pathnames in the output are delimited by the
       null character; if --verbose is also specified then null characters are
       also used instead of colons and hard tabs:

       <source> <NULL> <linenum> <NULL> <pattern> <NULL> <pathname> <NULL>

       If -n or --non-matching are specified, non-matching pathnames will also
       be output, in which case all fields in each output record except for
       <pathname> will be empty. This can be useful when running
       non-interactively, so that files can be incrementally streamed to STDIN
       of a long-running check-ignore process, and for each of these files,
       STDOUT will indicate whether that file matched a pattern or not.
       (Without this option, it would be impossible to tell whether the
       absence of output for a given file meant that it didn't match any
       pattern, or that the output hadn't been generated yet.)

       Buffering happens as documented under the GIT_FLUSH option in git(1).
       The caller is responsible for avoiding deadlocks caused by overfilling
       an input buffer or reading from an empty output buffer.

	   One or more of the provided paths is ignored.

	   None of the provided paths are ignored.

	   A fatal error was encountered.

       gitignore(5) git-config(1) git-ls-files(1)

       Part of the git(1) suite

Git 2.38.4			  05/16/2024		   GIT-CHECK-IGNORE(1)