
git-cherry manpage

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GIT-CHERRY(1)			  Git Manual			 GIT-CHERRY(1)

       git-cherry - Find commits yet to be applied to upstream

       git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]

       Determine whether there are commits in <head>..<upstream> that are
       equivalent to those in the range <limit>..<head>.

       The equivalence test is based on the diff, after removing whitespace
       and line numbers. git-cherry therefore detects when commits have been
       "copied" by means of git-cherry-pick(1), git-am(1) or git-rebase(1).

       Outputs the SHA1 of every commit in <limit>..<head>, prefixed with -
       for commits that have an equivalent in <upstream>, and + for commits
       that do not.

	   Show the commit subjects next to the SHA1s.

	   Upstream branch to search for equivalent commits. Defaults to the
	   upstream branch of HEAD.

	   Working branch; defaults to HEAD.

	   Do not report commits up to (and including) limit.

   Patch workflows
       git-cherry is frequently used in patch-based workflows (see
       gitworkflows(7)) to determine if a series of patches has been applied
       by the upstream maintainer. In such a workflow you might create and
       send a topic branch like this:

	   $ git checkout -b topic origin/master
	   # work and create some commits
	   $ git format-patch origin/master
	   $ git send-email ... 00*

       Later, you can see whether your changes have been applied by saying
       (still on topic):

	   $ git fetch	# update your notion of origin/master
	   $ git cherry -v

   Concrete example
       In a situation where topic consisted of three commits, and the
       maintainer applied two of them, the situation might look like:

	   $ git log --graph --oneline --decorate --boundary origin/master...topic
	   * 7654321 (origin/master) upstream tip commit
	   [... snip some other commits ...]
	   * cccc111 cherry-pick of C
	   * aaaa111 cherry-pick of A
	   [... snip a lot more that has happened ...]
	   | * cccc000 (topic) commit C
	   | * bbbb000 commit B
	   | * aaaa000 commit A
	   o 1234567 branch point

       In such cases, git-cherry shows a concise summary of what has yet to be

	   $ git cherry origin/master topic
	   - cccc000... commit C
	   + bbbb000... commit B
	   - aaaa000... commit A

       Here, we see that the commits A and C (marked with -) can be dropped
       from your topic branch when you rebase it on top of origin/master,
       while the commit B (marked with +) still needs to be kept so that it
       will be sent to be applied to origin/master.

   Using a limit
       The optional <limit> is useful in cases where your topic is based on
       other work that is not in upstream. Expanding on the previous example,
       this might look like:

	   $ git log --graph --oneline --decorate --boundary origin/master...topic
	   * 7654321 (origin/master) upstream tip commit
	   [... snip some other commits ...]
	   * cccc111 cherry-pick of C
	   * aaaa111 cherry-pick of A
	   [... snip a lot more that has happened ...]
	   | * cccc000 (topic) commit C
	   | * bbbb000 commit B
	   | * aaaa000 commit A
	   | * 0000fff (base) unpublished stuff F
	   [... snip ...]
	   | * 0000aaa unpublished stuff A
	   o 1234567 merge-base between upstream and topic

       By specifying base as the limit, you can avoid listing commits between
       base and topic:

	   $ git cherry origin/master topic base
	   - cccc000... commit C
	   + bbbb000... commit B
	   - aaaa000... commit A


       Part of the git(1) suite

Git 2.38.4			  05/16/2024			 GIT-CHERRY(1)