
pampick manpage

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Pampick User Manual(0)					Pampick User Manual(0)

       pampick - pick images out of a multi-image Netpbm image stream


       image_sequence_number ...

       Minimum	unique abbreviation of option is acceptable.  You may use dou-
       ble hyphens instead of single hyphen to denote options.	 You  may  use
       white space in place of the equals sign to separate an option name from
       its value.

       This program is part of Netpbm(1).

       pampick reads a PNM or PAM image stream as  input.   It	picks  certain
       images  from  the stream and copies them to a new image stream on Stan-
       dard Output.

       You identify the images to pick by sequence number within  the  stream.
       Each  image_sequence_number  is	a  decimal  sequence number, with zero
       meaning the first image.

       The arguments must be in increasing  order,  without  duplicates.   The
       results are undefined if they are not.  (There are a number of enhance-
       ments that might be made in future releases that	 would	make  whatever
       pampick	does  today when you break this rule change).  pampick outputs
       the images in the same order as they appear in the input.  If you spec-
       ify  no	sequence  numbers,  pampick outputs nothing.  If you specify a
       sequence number that is beyond what is in the input, pampick fails with
       an error message to that effect.

       pampick	always	reads  the entire input stream.	 (This is helpful when
       the input stream is a pipe and whatever is feeding the  pipe  would  be
       upset if it filled up or broke).

       To see how many images, and what kind, are in a stream, use pamfile.

       To  extract  all	 the images in a stream into separate named files, use

       pamfile(1), pamsplit(1), pnm(1), pam(1), cat man page

       pampick was new in Netpbm 10.31 (December 2005);

netpbm documentation		25 October 2005		Pampick User Manual(0)